Elisa and Karen K

Dr. Hana Ripkova, Head of the Czech Republic Fulbright office and Jean

Huong, Amy and Rod

Lori, Martin G and his wife. Martin was one of our Fulbright hosts in Brno.

Karen B visiting with Hana's husband, Pavel.


Jen and Diane
Since returning from the Fulbright trip people are asking what was the highlight of the trip. So many places and events come to mind...the first night in Budapest, the cruises on the Danube and Vlatva Rivers, special dinners in wine cellars and on rooftops. But the highlight for me was the people who I met as a Fulbright Scholarship recipient. We started as 16 elementary teachers from across the United States but quickly came to rely and depend on each other in this unique travel situation. We met many wonderful people along the way; Fulbright hosts, tour guides, lecturors and others associated with education in Hungary/Czech Republic.

Demonstrating with the American Language Montessori teacher a lesson typically given to youngest students on Practical Life: Water Pouring. What a lovely lady she was.

Having a gelato in an outdoor cafe on a very hot day in Budapest. Joining me is Huong and Karen K. After our cool treat we walked back through the streets of Budapest to our hotel.

Andrea, our tour guide throughout Hungary stands in front of the statue of her Great Grandfather who served in the military during the days of Hapsburg rule.

The Fulbright Group poses in Budapest, Hungary at the Heroes Square.

Our Fulbright Group posing together at the top of the mountain near Brno, Czech Republic where we had an amazing cave/underground lake tour.

My Fulbright colleagues Rita, Michelle and I are victorious in winning the most rounds in how much did you learn about Prague and the Czech Republic. We are wearing our grand prizes: stickers on our hands.

This was an interesting tree found as we toured around Prague castle. Dr. Rod and I take a minute out of hiking to pose in front of this giant...

What could be better when colleagues that I teach with just happen to be in the neighborhood and join our group for the Prague Castle tour. You will probably recognize these teachers from Corral Drive: Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Melhaff.