Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another Kind of Mr. Ribbet in the Classroom

Those students who have been in my first grade classes the last few years might be interested or even dismayed at this display for frog study that I happened upon in a classroom in the Czech Republic. The schools here have accomodated us to visit and learn about education in the Czech Republic even though students and staff are away for summer vacation. We toured some very old and newer school buildings and noticed a large similarity to how schooling is administrated in both Hungary and the Czech Republic. I have loved seeing the students artwork and plant life in the hallways and classrooms. In some schools, each student brings a houseplant to school in September and lines it up with what the other students have brought to school. Each student is then responsible for the care and upkeep of the plant during the school year and may take it home or choose to donate it to the school. It seems quite welcoming to see life in the classroom during the summer months....


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